Second Life: Riding the Rails in Bellisseria

 I've always enjoyed riding trains in RL and in Second Life.  On the Mainlands there are many routes where there are vehicles running on the rails, but in Bellisseria you have to bring your own train.

One of the most interesting rides I've taken lately has been from Flotilla Station through an underwater tunnel to another part of Bellisseria, although at the end it got a little rough.

I started at the Virtual Railway Consortium in Tuliptree and picked up two free trains.  

Standing in front of a poster at Tuliptree.

Then I rezzed the VRC 2010 train at the Flotilla Train Station

Leaving Flotilla Station in VRC 2010

The train tracks went underground, then underwater. A section with glass walls let you see marine life and other sights.

Shark swimming over tunnel.

Celestial Jellyfish. 
Finally - back on the surface!

Out of the tunnel into daylight at 'Nothing There' Region!

After riding through many Ranch Home regions I started having problems in Gull Guides Region  - the train would stall at points, or even disappear altogether. I even changed train models, but the problem, persisted. I think part of the reason I was having trouble was that there was massive building throughout that part of Bellisseria and some of the Regions I was trying to ride through were not finished yet.

New Ranchland being created.

The Hobo Train heading into the Bellisserian Triangle

I eventually continued the journey on horseback, until at SSPBarnes Wallow I ran out of land and tracks. I can't wait to see what this area will look like when they are finished building.

New Ranch home parcels on both sides.

I suggest taking this trip after the new Ranch Home parcels are complete.

In the meantime, try a train trip through Bellisseria from the Welcome Hub Station on the south side of the Welcome Hud. It goes through an area of log homes (Logland) I only crashed once on this route.

Over the bridge to LogLand.

More Info:  If you want to drive a train through Bellisseria there are many train routes.  You can rez a train at practically every Railway Station. 

In an old SL Forum thread there was mention of a train rezzer at Chippewa Station. Currently it rezzes a train you can't use, but gives you directions to pick up a free train at Tuliptree. Chippewa is one of the older areas of Bellisseria and the tracks run through areas with traditional homes and Victorian homes.

While exploring I also found a rezer at Deermoor that will rez a trolley that will carry multiple residents.

I was able to run this trolley all the way to
 Red Hook with no problems. At Red Hook there is a boat rezz area where you could continue your journey to sail past some Stilt Homes.You can get a map of  Railways of Second Life on the Marketplace, or you can just fly around Bellisseria and follow tracks until you find a train depot.

Free map on Marketplace.

Three groups:  The Bellisseria Rail Riders, the SLRR Rail Group, and the Bellisseria Citizens Group, may all be able to give you advice about rail travel in Bellisseria. 

Elfi Stoker's advice about train travel: Dress simply, and avoid heavily-scripted attachments. Using voice may slow you down. *

About photos: Some of them have been heavily edited.  

*From a note on a map labeled Bellisseria SLRR 3.3 which I do not have permission to post.

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