- In Second Life you used to be charged not on how much land you had, but on how many resources you used. You could be charged for creating and keeping prims, or for teleporting. There was a regular maintenance fee/tax for objects that were created but hadn't been deleted, so I've heard that residents who had high-prim builds would temporarily delete them before "prim-counting day". (I don't know if that is true - I wasn't there - I read it on the net.)
Most residents also had to pay in order to teleport. (There were ways to get around this). You couldn't teleport from place to place, but only to other residents or to a telehub. Telehubs were set up in different locations, and residents would teleport to a telehub close to their destination and then walk or fly to where they wanted to go. Ryan Linden designed the original telehub and called them "perches" with the idea that they would all be up in the air, but since residents sometimes fell off, the elevated telehubs were soon lowered to the ground. Eric Linden and Alberto Linden continued to improve the design, and the term "perches" was changed to "telehubs" after Phoenix Linden started calling them "telehubbies".These telehubs had kiosks that distributed free Linden content, world maps, and places for resident to put ads.
Linden Lab had hoped that areas around telehubs would become commercial areas and that the outskirts would become residential while the telehubs would become social areas. This being Second Life; however, residents didn't do what was expected. While areas close to the telehubs often became crowded with stores and ad farms, people usually didn't hang around to socialize. One of the problems was that the concentration of people and buildings near the telehubs caused lag.
In late 2005, Linden Lab removed most Telehubs on the grid, opening the way for "direct teleport" from one point to another. Some of the telehubs were converted into Infohubs, meant to be community gathering spaces and "welcome areas" for new Residents.
Waterhead Infohub, formerly a Telehub
You can still get models of three of the old Infohubs from the Free Bazaar at Stillman. Two of the models are rather plain, but the Waterhead model still has a freebie board, working clock, and a place for residents to place ads.
The new infohubs were now intended to be places where residents could set a home point, and where they could meet other residents and socialize. New infohubs have been built as Second Life expanded. Many infohubs have tutorials and other information for residents, or they may have a nearby NCI infonode (smaller version of the information at the Main NCI locations). Many infohubs are being maintained by residents, so there is a tremendous variety of build from infohub to infohub. During my visits to collect slurls and landmarks I found most of the infohubs had visitors, with a mixture of new and old residents.
You can find a list of Infohubs on the Second Life Wiki. I have put an annotated list below.
If you are curious about what these Telehubs looked like, you can visit the Waterhead Infohub, or you can get a package of three different telehub models at the Stillman Bazaar.
This is the poster I made for the Tourist Information Office. It shows an old telehub on the top, and the Waterhead Infohub on the bottom.
Here is a list of infohubs on the Mainland I got from the Second Life Wiki, with my notes. If the landmarks don't work, just put the sim name in the World Map, and look for the symbol. You can also just put "Infohub" in the space on the World Map. You can get a copy of a notecard with Landmarks in the Tourist Information Center in Cecropia.
Hanja in Gukyeol
The Old Teen Welcome Area in Card
Old Governor's Mansion in Clementina http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Clementina/184/123/61
Mahulu Infohub near Mount G'Al Volcano - you can take a balloon ride from the roof!
Mauve Infohub -
Miramare in Nova Albion /Barcola
Chalet Linden in Wengen snow area - one of my favorites! - Lots of winter activities there.
Korea 1 in Korea1 - There is a teleport board listing "Sister Cities and Friends" - although some locations seem to be out of date.
Scenic Ambat
Barbarossa Ferry Terminal & Infohub - pick up a free sailboat!
Bear Dream Lodge in Bear - Weasels and watermelon critters, and bears, oh my!
Boardroom Infohub and Conference Center
Braunworth Infohub - refurbished industrial ruins
Castle Valeria - I find the castle a bit gloomy; the other side of the island is more cheerful.
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Castle%20Valeria/205/191/77There is a twin to Castle Valeria, the Baronial Castle, located at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baronial%20Castle/48/63/23
Degrand Infohub - little island with lighthouse - if you have a boat you could sail from here. There are interesting underwater features such as the Lost Treasures of the Sunken City in Sarante.
Hau Koda - Bay City Municipal Airport - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hau%20Koda/68/60/25
Helfell InfoHub - Fuerte de San Phillipe nearby is also a Linden Public Area - if the drawbridge is up, touch it to lower it.
Hyannisport Infohub - in my opinion one of the most beautiful of the Infohubs
Hyles Swamp in Hyles
Iris Moth Temple - Linden Historical Site
Isabel Infohub - the very popular Shelter is just north of here
Moose Beach Infohub
Pooley Stage
Waterhead Welcome Area - This is a recreation of a telehub. You can get a copy of the original telehub model at the Stillman Bazaar.
Zebrasil Infohub, billed as "The village in the shadow of terrible volcano!" The volcano goes off about every hour and is quite nice. Explore under the sea nearby for wrecked ships.
ADULT: (I found these crowded and boring)
Arapaima Safe Hub -
Nelsonia Safe Hub
Oritz Dam Infohub
Listed as 'Former' or 'Inactive' (These were more interesting and worth visiting)
Anzere Infohub - By the Confederation of Democratic Simulators - a virtual democracy
Calleta Hobo Railroad Infohub - this whole area is fun to explore
Hanson - this Infohub was converted to parkland, but there is a gingerbread cottage and sled ride over the bridge and up the hill, and also penguin/moles.
Murray Infohub - this was rebuilt in 2010 and has many sims to explore nearby. Look for the ghost town and the vehicle testing tracks - also, beware of landsharks...Free sailboat at the dock - or an innertub if you're not that adventurous.
Plum Welcome Area - Preserved old Welcome Area, including the notecards...
Ross Memory Bazarr @ Ross Infohub - lots of interesting things here.
Violet Infohub - always seems to be some kind of argument going on when I am there, but very popular...
Warmouth Infohub - the Nerditorium
Olive - Great Second Life Railway Station, with frequent trains - take a trip!
Periwinkle Station - go down the stairs to visit a lovely garden and rest area. There are some freebies on a floating gazebo.
Those are all the Mainland Infohubs I know that are open to all residents. Have fun!
Free copy of Waterhead Telehub
Most of this information was taken from the Second Life Wikia which has photos of some of the early telehubs. I wasn't there then, so if you were, and I've got something wrong, please let me know.
I set up this blog to share the things I enjoy about Second Life. Picture taken at Twisted Paradise. Whale by HPMD. Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed on this site reflect the views or opinions of the content creators on this site and not of Linden Lab or its employees, directors, officers, agents, or representatives.
About Telehubs and Infohubs
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